Saturday, May 02, 2009


Obrolan dgn seseorang kemaren ini bikin gw merenung sedikit *kalo kebykan merenung, ntar dmasukin k grogol lagi*...
Tentang idup gw *wah, topik berat nech kayanya*...
'Bout my dreams *mimpi apa yach semalem?*...
'Bout my work *not a good topic 2 think about on weekends*...

Instead of ngedumel mulu tentang kerjaan *yg kalo dipancing sedikit aja, pasti sejuta cerita bakal langsung meluncur dari mulut gw*...
Instead of berpikir grass is always greener on d other side *mentang2 skrg go green lg in bgt*...

Musti inget diluar sana...
Banyak yg jauh lebih frusta drpd gw d kantornya *translate that by ur self*...
Banyak yg problem idupnya jauh lebih komplex drpd gw *benang kusut aja kalah ribet*...

Tapi mereka...
Act as if nothing's wrong *bukan berarti bermuka dua loh*...
Think that everything (eventually) will be OK *a.k.a positive thinkin' gitu*...
'n pastinya mereka ga slalu ngeliat ke atas *scara pegel kali kalo nenggak mulu mah*...

So thank u friend 2 remind me 2 always be grateful 4 everything I have in life...
Alhamdulillah ("._.")...

*I know this posting must sounds lame, but when it hits u on d rite moment, it will make a difference and u just have 2 be reminded all d time*


Anonymous Pumpkin said...

iya Muffs,
bersyukur and enjoy life...
*idem juga*

11:40 PM, June 13, 2009  

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